V For Vendetta Mask
Vendetta Mask for HalloWeen
I purchased 2 of these masks for Halloween and they were great. My fiance was able to wear her glasses under the mask because it had plenty of room to breathe. Excellent choice.
When the mask arrived, I was glad to see that it looked better than I expected. The photos on the web site don't do it justice. The mask is thin, which makes it light for easier wearing; the shape of the mask and how it's painted are perfect and it looks exactly like the mask in the movie. To make wearing the mask more mysterious and the effect more professional, you can glue or tape two thin black qauze-like strips (from nylon stockings or whatever) on the inside of the mask over the eye holes so the eyes can't be seen. Just be sure that it doesn't impede your visibility at night. This is important if you expect to blow up Parliament in the dark. "Remember, remember the fifth of November..."
All I bought at the price $ 4.65 dollars from website amazon.
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I think Vendetta Mask For HalloWeen where everyone must have. I believe you will get a very good experience like me.