Wii with Wii Sports Resort
I am not a fan of video games, but I must admit that this is the best one out there, especially bundled with all the sports software. My family, from the preschooler (age 5) to the great-grandma (age 80), and everybody at every age in between, really enjoys playing the sports games, either solo or even better competitively. Now this includes a lot of couch potatoes, including me, so I am very happy to see everybody physically active, no matter how limited. The variety of games also allows for various levels of physical and mental abilities, depending on age and disability, and it permits individual and "team" choice and preference based on natural interest in one sport over another. This might just be the best thing to ever happen to "family togetherness" since the invention of television, which tends to isolate people from each other. Just from the standpoint of physical and mental exercise and challenge, the Wii is truly a bargain.
And this bundle is an incredible bargain, combining so much hardware and software in one package. (I do wish there were a second Remote substituted for the Nunchuk, so as not to have to keep passing the Remote from player to player during the games. But I suspect Nintendo figured that this is a good way to increase profits, practically forcing people to purchase a second Remote for convenience sake, and I have to admit that at the Amazon price they may even be justified in taking that tack.) Of course, various family members also are puchasing their favorite arcade-type games as well, but again I have to admit, as a non-gamer, that those games also appear to be lots of fun and worthwhile, if you're into that type of entertainment. Finally, the design of the entire system looks and feels sleek and modern (especially in black), as well as sturdy. This is a real winner and a great deal at Amazon.
All I bought at the price $ 194.99 dollars from website amazon.
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I think Wii Sports Resort where everyone must have. I believe you will get a very good experience like me.