It seems there are a LOT of misuderstandings in these reviews. If you own a Sears refridgerator it IS a Whirlpool, or Kitchen Aid, or whatever else with a "Kenmore" name plate on it. Sears doesn't make their appliances and they purchase appliance from varios companys and put their "Kenmore" brand on it. I have a Whirlpool fridge, Whirlpool dishwaher, and GE microwave. They all say Kenmore and the stainless stell matches perfectly. A Sears sales rep will tell you who makes the specific unit. This is true for Kenmore washers & dryers as well, all appliance. Secondly, Whirlpool, Kitchen Aid, Kenmore, etc. do not make the filters. Sears, Whirlpool, etc. sell the filter with their markings on it.
PUR make the filter. This is not a cheaper replacement for the filter, it is the same filter. I have been using PUR filters bought on-line for 5 years now and it is the same filter that came in the refridgerator when I bought it. The only thing to keep in mind is that the "universal PUR Filter", that fits all push button, in the grill units, does not have the same filtration as the the specific PUR filter that comes with the fridge.
All I bought at the price $ 30.59 dollars from website amazon.
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I think where everyone must have. I believe you will get a very good experience like me.